Thursday, September 25, 2008


To create a needed service with an approach that is sustainable.

Essentially, this idea came about when it came to diapering my own baby, again! I realized I had standards for how best to accommodate this natural process that were similar to many other families. Using only plant-based detergents that were gentle against baby's skin, and freshening diapers with only non-chlorine bleach. I even have experimented with Elimination Communication. And as we all strive to make ecological choices in our everyday lives, we often invest more time in doing those extra movements. Thus, time reserved with family, friends, and community becomes lessened. It's a hope of mine to free up some of that time, and create another avenue for people to make connections with each other.

Once I started doing more research on the environmental impacts of cloth vs. disposable, it was like adding fuel to my fire. I was feeling more and more dedicated to getting this idea off the ground. It was astonishing to find out that only 5% of families in America use cloth diapers. Not to mention that disposables are the 3rd largest solid waste stream in landfills.

There are so many ways we can shift simple everyday tasks into a stronger alignment with a sustainable future. Making the choice to use organic unbleached cotton diapers was a simple one. The purchase of thousands of diapers that were used without harmful pesticides or chemicals not only supports the strength of the organic movement, and ensures more healthy soil tilled, but optimal skin health as well.

In another effort to save resources, I aim to use less gas and minimize my carbon footprint by biking when possible to pick up and drop off diapers. I plan to bike the Northampton area in good weather, and drive to surrounding towns and utilize central drop off sites. Please utilize the survey to the right to give your thoughts on this idea.

I envision an open forum taking place on the website (or blog for now) where questions, ideas, and successes can be shared among other cloth diapering parents. What diaper covers they prefer, how to deal with diapering on the go, etc. Or even just as another avenue to meet other like-minded families and build connections in the area.

I appreciate that you've taken the time to share in this idea with me. If you have other ideas to add, or are interested in becoming a customer or know others who would, please contact me at I'm excited to build the movement with others towards a sustainable future!


Unknown said...

This sounds like a wonderfully thought out service which heightens sustainability and lessens environmental impact.
I run an Environmentally-Friendly Department Store in Concord, New Hampshire, Real Green Goods and we sell cloth diapers, both Organic Cotton and Organic Wool. Though these are great materials, being organic, they are also resource intensive. Hemp is the most sustainably harvested fiber in the world, requiring no pesticides, herbicides, and minimal amounts of water, it can be grown in almost any climate.
Taking into account the diaper's fabric, hemp, as well as the plant based, non-toxic detergents, Mother Herb seems to understand the broader scope of running a environmentally conscious service by seeking out central drop-offs and working locally with the community to lessen their carbon and chemical footprint.
This service will provide a niche that any eastern U.S. region is lacking in these modern times. The conveniences of disposables and plastics comes with hidden impacts that our generation may never see but will surely burden our children and our grand children. Take advantage of these great local services, not everyone in this country has the opportunity, at least not yet.

Unknown said...

This is a great idea. If you talk to older mothers and grandmothers, I imagine most of them used cloth diapers and they might have a wealth of nitty-gritty advice for how to implement your mission.