Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer's Here (early all-be-it, thanks Climate Change) Time to consider what we EAT!

The 'Clean 15' are conventional produce items that have minimal exposure to pesticides, for those of us on a tight budget, or in a location where the produce options you have are not organic.

Dr. Andrew Weil speaks about what happens in our bodies if we shift from eating the dirty dozen to the clean 15 (or going all organic for that matter!). "You will have a measurable drop in tissue accumulation in pesticides" He says for himself if he can't get organic versions of those, he's not going to eat them.

"Pesticides are toxins and they can't be good for you, so the only question is how bad they are."

Watch the video here This may be one of the best 5 minutes spent, educating yourself to protect your health and your families.... and if you think about it, if a majority of people make the shift, the demand for these organic items go up, price goes down, and perhaps markets and trends will shift for the benefit of everyone. You can read the full article from the Huffington Post here.