Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Indiegogo Referral Give Away!

We are in the home stretch of our Indiegogo Campaign with 15 more days to go and $425 more dollars to raise for us to reach our goal of $9500. Help us reach and hopefully exceed our goal. We just found out we need to run 250 feet of copper piping to feed our machines - so any excess funds will be put towards that expense! Every little bit counts (twice!) and if you've already donated Thank you!! Please share this far and wide!!! 

As a little extra perk... for every person who shares our indiegogo campaign  will be entered to win an assortment of our own hand crafted herbal products! 

To enter:
1) Visit our Indiegogo Campaign -  share our campaign using any of the Share Tools under the video!
2) Go on over and like us on facebook and leave a message on our page letting us know you shared! Please include your email address.
Bonus entry:
Share this Referral Give Away! Simply share this blog post and leave a comment below to let us know you shared! You'll be entered twice! Remember to leave your email address!